hydrological year meaning in Chinese
- The main conclusions are as follows : the hco3 - ion content of zhujiang river changes notably in one hydrological year , especially in wet season and dry season . as for the content of inorganic carbon , that of the xijiang river is the highest , then the beijiang river , and then the dongjiang river . the xijiang river ' s inorganic carbon source was major from karst process in the drainage basin
得出如下的结论:珠江水体hco _ 3 ~ -离子含量在一个水文年中发生显著变化,特别是丰水期与枯水期之间波动幅度较大;无机碳含量西江含量最高,其次是北江,东江最低;西江无机碳主要来源于岩溶作用,由于受河流冲刷效应影响,丰水期hco _ 3 ~ -离子含量升高;东江流域无机碳主要来源于硅酸盐岩的碳酸盐风化过程,丰水期hco _ 3 ~ -离子含量无显著变化;北江无机碳来源于岩溶作用和硅酸盐岩的碳酸盐风化过程,受稀释效应影响,无机碳含量随水量增加而降低。